My Generation
MA degree - 2019

Human kind has always been interested in the next generation, what will they be like? Better? Worse? What will be their habits? Their interests? How will they contribute to the society?
Some people just want to know, what kind of impact will the world exert to them? And there are those, who just want to know, who will pay their pension. By researching my own generation, I simultaneously research myself as well, therefor the result is a subjective confession. With 11 poster, in my MA diploma work, entitled “My Generation”, I examine how we, the generations of Y (1980 and 1994) and Z (1995 and 2010) develop. The world we got into our hands is very special. We have technologies that did not exist before, in my parents' time. The task for us is to test these tools, and grow up surrounded by them. This technology is of course the internet, and everything that comes with it. The internet effected our behaviour and habits in a way, we couldn’t foreseen.

Consultant: Tamás Tóth
The posters are accompanied by a booklet, which contains  a small description about each artwork.
My Generation

My Generation
