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Arabic symbol ن (nun)

Arabic symbol ن (nun) 
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Arabic symbol used to mark Christians in Muslim countries. It is the letter n or nun which is meant to signify them as a Nazare, because Jesus was from Nazareth.
 The nun stands in for “Nasara,” or Nazarene, and is at the time of this writing being used to mark the homes of Christians in Mosul.  In a mimicry of  the relatively tolerant practices* of the Ottoman Caliphate, Christians whose homes have been marked have been given an ultimatum to convert, pay a steep ‘tax,’ or flee.

*While certainly tolerant by 16th century standards, these strictures are clearly in violation of human rights in modern times.
Arabic symbol ن (nun)



Arabic symbol ن (nun)

Arabic symbol used to mark Christians in Muslim countries. It is the letter n or nun which is meant to signify them as a Nazare, because Jesus wa 阅读更多内容
