Knowing the past, experiencing the present, and embracing the future. Stockroom is a fictional high end mens retailer specializing in publications and clothing with an emphasis on tradition, craft and modern lifestyle. Stockroom carries items that have been made with care and designed with the consciousness to create art. 

The name Stockroom is derived from the idea that the product and the space within which it is sold in share a symbiotic relationship to create unity between the two. Stock: being the product, and Room: the space that displays it. To demonstrate this mantra visually, the logo embodies tradition with the use of Garamond, a tried and true typeface that has survived the test of time. In addition, there is recognition to the space with the use of the border to illustrate the notion of it containing and displaying the product. 

Since the space acts as a gallery, its primary purpose being to showcase the product, the packaging and cards were kept predominantly white and black, two neutral tones, so not to distract from the product. This also includes an exclusive grand opening invitation printed on a white pocket square distributed to special guests.

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Styling and product photography for creative identity. Collaboration with designer Colin Poon.

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