PROJECT 1: Arduino and Bluetooth module HC-06 (SoftwareSerial library)

PROJECT 2: Atmega644p and 1284p and Bluetooth module HC-06 (UART interface)

PROJECT 3: Adafruit Data Logger Shield

The Adafruit's Data Logging Shield for Arduino saves data to files on any FAT16- or FAT32-formatted SD card in a way that can be read later by most plotting, spreadsheet, or analysis programs.

The Real Time Clock (RTC) chip timestamps all the data with the current TIME, so that one may know precisely what happened.
PROJECT 4: Reading CSV file from SD Card (Searching DATE)

The goal of the following code is to search for a specific date value (introduced by the user) in a CSV file logged by different sensors. The CSV file includes reading values such as pressure, temperature, altitude, depth, time, and location among others. The data come from attached sensors to a sonde (electronic board).

The code checks in the CSV file if the date exists (no matter the order of the date column in the CSV file is) and if so it prints out the reading values of all the sensors associated/dated with that date.
CSV file (Example)

RESULTS (Arduino IDE) (Example Selected Date: 5/6/2019)

PROJECT 5: Reading CSV file from SD Card (Searching TIME)

The goal of the following code is to search for a specific time value (introduced by the user) in a CSV file logged by different sensors. The CSV file includes reading values such as pressure, temperature, altitude, depth, time, and location among others. The data come from attached sensors to a sonde (electronic board).

The code checks in the CSV file if the time exists (no matter the order of the time column in the CSV file is) and if so it prints out the reading values of all the sensors associated/dated with that time.
CSV file (Example)
RESULTS (Arduino IDE) (Example Selected Time: 9:08h)
PROJECT 6: Reading CSV file from SD Card (Searching DATE and TIME)

The goal of the following code is to search for a specific date and time values (introduced by the user) in a CSV file logged by different sensors. The CSV file includes reading values such as pressure, temperature, altitude, depth, time, and location among others. The data come from attached sensors to a sonde (electronic board).

The code checks in the CSV file if the date and time exist in the same reading line of the CSV file (no matter the order of the time and date columns in the CSV file is) and if so it prints out the reading values of all the sensors associated/dated with that date and time.
Arduino Projects

Arduino Projects



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