Dress My Wedding is an online store for handmade keepsake bridal bouquets and accessories. Our client started with selling a single peacock feather hair clip on Etsy and it eventually grew into a full-time job selling artificial wedding flowers. She later outgrew her Etsy store and wished to have full control of her own website.

Using the concepts of peacock-inspired colors, hand-crafted flowers, and the gradient already present in her logo, we created a one-of-a-kind design that reflected her brand and her bold body of work. Rich with the teal-blue-purple gradient and the hand-drawn flowers as a motif, the design is bold and sharp while still feeling clean and professional.

We faced a technical challenge of carrying the gradient over to web elements that usually don't allow for gradients: in the outlines for text boxes and sidebar elements, and as a horizontal rule paired with top-level headings. In the case of the headings, we used Flexbox to dynamically adjust the width of the rule to the remainder of the horizontal space in the heading's row. For the box outlines, we used a CSS border-image with the gradient as the "image" and used a solid color as a fallback for older browsers.

Another technical challenge was dynamically populating the navigation bar and front page with nested categories (as well as nesting the categories deeper than Bootstrap usually allows for). We opted to go this route instead of having the client manually input her dozens of ever-changing categories into the navbar to eliminate the possibility of user error and to give our client one less thing to worry about.
Dress My Wedding


Dress My Wedding

Web design for a wedding florist's online store
