University of South Wales - Unleash Your Colours

Having won a competitive pitch process to work as the key provider of USW’s 2018 Clearing undergraduate student recruitment campaign, we got to work on what would become one of the agency’s standout integrated offerings.
With the student recruitment picture more challenging than ever, the university needed something truly special to cut-through in a marketplace with fierce competition.
Objectives included specific targets for number of student enrolments in the 2018 cycle, as well as the full and confident realisation of a creative theme provided by USW.

Prompted brand awareness among UK 17-18 year olds grew 10%
The campaign delivered £1:£7 ROI in terms of student recruitment
Winner of the 2019 CIM Best Integrated campaign (Large)

For more information read our case study


Agency S3 Advertising Agency
Creative, Design, Digital, Video, Media Planning And Buying

Head of Production - Dan Veal
Photography - Ben Horder
Colour Grading And Editing - Jay Baulch
Production Assistants - Emma Davies And Steffan Mitchell
Design - Tom Wilding and Leanne Bisby
Copywriting - Jack Rivers
University of South Wales - Unleash Your Colours

Project Made For

University of South Wales - Unleash Your Colours

At the University of South Wales, you don’t just go to study a degree. You go for an experience that offers so much more. You go to be bold, brig Read More
