Profil Agnieszka Grabowicz

Financial Style ecommerce

Návrhy webu
Editorial style_

The high quality crafted products have unique design and use best natural materials. However the brand itself is young and its range is narrow; there are 4 main designs in variety of colours.
To add weight and create customer life style led experience we've explored option of extending the online store with editorial content appealing to male audience, readers of Monocle or GQ magazines. We've offered young contemporary writers a platform to publish and created a relationship with customer based on light, smart approach, keeping the ecommerce elements discreet but accessible.

Photographing an accessory product proves difficult; assisted clothing can be distracting and wide demographic can be hard to model.

The style avoids displaying specific ethnicity and age. Animal features highlight power, strength and adventurous spirit of manhood, attracting urban multicultural audience. Discoloured or achromatic, covered in subtle shadow clothing remains anonymous while accenting the product.
Strong grid and typography, creative use of photography as illustration, maps and geographic references,  minimalism,  consistent iconography, perfect composition.
Financial Style ecommerce


Financial Style ecommerce

Young male accessories brand positioning.
