It comes from the Greek words syn (together) and aesthesis (sensation)
Synaesthesia is a rare neurological trait in which activity in one sensory modality, such as vision or hearing, evokes automatic and involuntary perceptual experiences in another, due to increased cross-talk between the sensory pathways in the brain. It is not a health issue nor does it require treatment.
“…causes the senses to intertwine, automatically evoking one another; thus sounds have colour, and tastes have texture and so on.” 
Increasing number of people are having synaesthesia, some are even unaware that they have it. 
Not many are informed about this neurological trait, they think synaesthetes are just suffering from mental illness. Some synaesthetes even resorted to committing suicide due to great confusion and depression because of the over-whelming cross wiring of senses.
Book, closed - 180mm x 245mm 
Poster (orange dust jacket) - A3
Perfect Binding Method


Personally rather intrigued by an unusual thought-provoking phenomenon - Synaesthesia. Decided to embark on a publication that aims to raise awar Další informace
