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German Design Council | Top spots

German Design Council
Top spots

What do a sofa, a shower head and an app have in common? Not much, except that they were all declared »Best Designs of the Year« by the German Design Council and were presented at the IMM Cologne’s ICONIC AWARDS: Interior Innovation, an exhibition that we had the honour to design. An honour, and a challenge. How do you display such different designs together in a way that ensures each is equally valued and appreciated?
One solution is to provide each with its own small stage. In 2016, each design was arranged with its back to the entrance, hidden from view by walls. The set-up allowed visitors to discover each design individually, object by object, rather like a giant cabinet of curiosities had appeared in the Riphahn hall of the Kölnischen Kunstverein.
In 2017, the concept was reinterpreted with an industrial edge for four times as many products. Using galvanised floor grilles, as well as exposed rivets and magnets, a flexible exhibition was conceived that created an optical tension between transparency and density. We are already looking forward to creating next years solution. The only thing that is certain is that diverse designs are here to stay.
The facts
Client: German Design Council
Service: Concept, design, implementation, project management, logistics
Photos: Annika Feuss
German Design Council | Top spots

German Design Council | Top spots
