This is my university exercise carried out in the course of Photoshop advanced 
at "AANT - Accademia delle Arti e delle Nuove Tecnologie", created for academic purpose. 
For its realization, inspiration was taken from the compositing performed  
"Be yourself again" by Colineal advertising campaign.
The following compositing presented for Playstation VR aims to make the gamer aware 
of the opportunity to transform its usual static game experience in an immersive and addictive adventure. To present the advertising campaign in its best way, we decided to represent the same scene three different times using every time a different character: a soldier, a biker and a skier. 

The realization of the compositing has been carried out starting from the photo shots taken 
in the installation room. To create the perfect ambience for every character we inserted other photos and 3D elements in the post-production phase.

Playstation VR | COMPOSITING