Still Me
These images are remakes, paraphrases of film scenes where I play all the roles.
I tried to reproduce the look and feel of the original film scenes.
The Master | Paul Thomas Anderson | Mihai Mălaimare Jr.
Fight Club | David Fincher | Jeff Cronenweth
The Lobster | Yorgos Lanthimos | Thimios Bakatakis
The deer hunter | Michael Cimino | Vilmos Zsigmond
The Matrix | Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski | Bill Pope
Chung Hing sam lam | Wong Kar-Wai | Christopher Doyle, Wai-keung Lau
Inception | Christopher Nolan | Wally Pfister
Fight Club | David Fincher | Jeff Cronenweth
Testről és lélekről | Ildikó Enyedi | Herbai Máté
The Hateful Eight | Quentin Tarantino | Robert Richardson
The Master | Paul Thomas Anderson | Mihai Mălaimare Jr.
Pulp Fiction | Quentin Tarantino | Andrzej Sekula
Frost/Nixon | Ron Howard | Salvatore Totino
The Matrix | Lilly Wachowski, Lana Wachowski | Bill Pope
Den skyldige | Gustav Möller | Jasper Spanning
THE Godfather: Part II | Francis Ford Coppola | Gordon Willis
Leviathan | Andrey Zvyagintsev | Mikhail Krichman
Special thanks to János Héjja for being such an inspiring teacher.
Thank you for watching!
Still Me

Still Me

These images are remakes, paraphrases of film scenes where I play all the roles. I tried to reproduce the look and feel of the original film scen Read More
