This project is a Public Service Campaign meant to encourage girls ages 11-13 to spend time living and enjoying their lives rather than watching others live their lives on social media. 
To create the posters, I took pictures of models enjoying little moments;  playing with a new toy, dancing in the rain, and enjoying a beautiful summers day. I then contrasted the real moments with a digitized background.
The first image I took represents being authentic, finding joy in the things we truly love and not changing what we love because influencers and others on social media are doing something different.  
The woman in the second image is dancing in the rain because she doesn't care how people react to her. She loves herself and her life, and that protects her from the deluge of opinions that shower down around her.  
I modified the original layout so that I could show how this poster would look as a billboard. 
The third poster encourages us to get out from behind our tech and really see the moment we are experiencing. As a photographer, I often find myself reaching for my camera when I see something beautiful; However, I have a much richer experience when I leave my phone in my pocket and my camera in my backpack. Then, I can just breath, relax, and enjoy the moment. 
I hope that after viewing these posters you take a look out the window or go for a walk and remember how rich life can be when we are living it for ourselves. 
Love your Life


Love your Life
