R dLT さんのプロファイル

An Illustrated Path Through Pre-Imperial São Paulo

This project, started in 2011 and cancelled in 2012, means to offer visual data constructed by means of historic information cross-referenced to maps and real-estate information from the beggining of the nineteenth century in São Paulo. Most of the solid data comes from Aspectos do Mercado Imobiliário em Perspectiva Histórica (Real-Estate Aspects in Historical perspective) of Beatriz Piccolotto Bueno (which orientated my work) and written and drawn observations from four european travelling artists: William John Burchell, Auguste de Saint-Hillaire, Johann Von Spix and Carl Friedrich von Martius. With the objective of showing scenes from every day life in the city almost two centuries ago, decades before it became one of the largest cities on the planet. The drawings (funded by FUPAM- Foundation for Research in Architecture and Environment) were made under intense historical scrutiny. 
Materials used:
-Bond paper
-Coloring on Photoshop

An Illustrated Path Through Pre-Imperial São Paulo
公開日 :

An Illustrated Path Through Pre-Imperial São Paulo

Drawings of post-colonial São Paulo, Brazil

公開日 :
