Etqaan Decoration logo identity

Company Name

Background Overview :
ETQAAN is design & construction company founded in 2017. ETQAAN specialized in engineering, architecture, interior design and construction services. ETQAAN have the optimal resources to satisfy the customer's needs with optimal quality, on time.

ETQAAN aspire to deliver exceptional design ideas and solutions for clients through the creative blending of human need, environmental stewardship, value creation, science, and art.

Concept :
ETQAAN company set in the challenge of developing a brand strategy that could better serve their clients. So find out how the target audience see design & construction companies. From these perceptions, we identified the key themes that differentiate ETQAAN from other leading companies.

The logo is designed by combining the letter "E" with the perspective with the EAGLE, to form the logo that expresses the name of the company and give a sense of accuracy in the logo.
The logo is designed to be shown in a different positions on prints or other online scenes. 
Clients will now be able to better recognize company services and have a consistent and unmistakable design identity for their company.
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Etqaan Decoration logo identity

Etqaan Decoration logo identity

ETQAN is decoration company specialized in architecture, interior design and construction services. ETQAN aspire to deliver exceptional design Read More
