PoHan Chang profili

就是「醬」子 JUST Pickles

就是「醬」子  JUST Pickles



Pickles are an important ingredient in Taiwanese dishes, but in the past impressions of pickles were old and unclear. In the younger generation, the memory of pickles was less and less, so I wanted to draw a series illustration of pickles. The illustrations evoke everyone's attention. 
"JUST Pickles" , the process of making the pickles in a humorous way. Subversion to the old-fashioned impression of the pickles series. 

Let's see what happened to the food during the production process.
Let's be a Gherkin.
These are Peanut Gluten.
Making Fermented Tofu
Title: JUST Pickles
Designer : 張博涵 Po-Han, Chang
Director : 鄭司維 Civi, Cheng
Type : 插畫設計 Illustration
Year : 2019 June
就是「醬」子 JUST Pickles
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就是「醬」子 JUST Pickles


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