This art is all made of recycled materials; such as aluminium, scrap paper, recycled packaging materials, and objects. All pieces are digitally manipulated and carefully edited to reflect the idea behind the image. I try to respect the original, traditional, forms of my experimentations and attempt to not edit the image so much that it wont represent its traditionally done counterpart. Some titles in this series are censored since this is the internet.
Full of Acidity and Poison
Green Lights in the Rain
Ignite, You Firecracker
Ghost Reflections
Freedom is Beyond the Chainlink Fence
Ocean Jams
Emotional Radiation
[censored title]
Shadow of a Stork
There's still [censored] on late night TV?
We're Happy even when We're Sad
Inner Conflicts
Hatred n' Love-Bombing n' Guns n' Kisses and Oh no...
Love Letters You will Never See
I will Always be Waiting for You
Wasteland of Youth and Deviancy
Fresh Love
All You Bring Me is Stupid Flowers (and pleasantries)
I Miss the Smell of Your T-Shirt
Let's All Wear Black and Pretend to be Jaded
You're in too Deep for Me to Pull You from the Earth
Colors - Series 2

Colors - Series 2

Series of color studies done with a variety of materials and mediums; all digitally edited.
