Zubair Parker 的個人檔案

Digital X Video Submission

Objects contain more than we can possibly describe.

As Heidigger puts it ‘...a thing whilst thinging presents the viewer with its true self’. The withdrawn conditions of these objects or aspects of allure embody particular conditions, which draw attention to critical phenomena.

Looking at ones work under these understandings allowed the development of a range of objects, which pull closer to the desired aspects of nature and the artificial. Highlighting the complexities and contradictions apparent within them.

The objects bear significance due to their ability to exude knowledge, which words cannot entirely describe. Blurring the destinction between humanities creation and its context.
Questions arise of how natural elements, ecological processes and their spatial conditions can evoke a harmonious relationship with the artifical realm. Can buildings become a catalyst for new biological environments?

The proposal becomes a contestation of Arcadia, the untouched world before man. A pastorial enterprise governed by the nomad. It speaks of Architecture that dissolves into its context forming a single homogenous landscape. The creation of physical artefacts bring with them a sensuality of material composition.Through them, questions of time, change, light, materiality and emotion are addressed.

The proposal pays homage to the geological and biological, nature and the manufactured, coming together seamlessly.
Digital X Video Submission

Digital X Video Submission
