Профиль Yi-Ting Tsai

影展海報提案 | Film Festival Poster Design

2019 金馬奇幻影展
Golden Horse Fantastic Film Festival

金馬奇幻影展為台灣首次以「奇幻」為名的主題影展,自2010年創辦至今,內容涵蓋科幻、恐怖、驚悚、歌舞、喜劇、武俠、動畫、愛情以及各類cult film,帶領影迷敞開心房,探索想像極限。
Golden Horse Fantastic Film Festival (GHFFF) is the first in Taiwan aiming at the theme of fantasy. Since its first edition initiated in 2010, the Festival covered various genres like sci-fi, horror, thrill, musical, comedy, martial arts, animation, romance and cult films, leading the audience to explore beyond the boundary of imagination. 

Title| 2019 台北金馬奇幻影展 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
Type|主視覺海報設計 Poster Design
Designer|蔡怡亭 Yi-Ting, Tsai
Advisor|涂閔翔 Min-Siang Tu
Date|April, 2019

影展海報提案 | Film Festival Poster Design


影展海報提案 | Film Festival Poster Design

金馬奇幻影展 主視覺海報提案
