All About Decompression Therapy for Back Pain!!
Back pain is something that can mess up your entire life if not treated in the right time and in the correct manner. It limits the mobility of your body and can make it miserable for you to sit and lie down. Nowadays, there are different types of back pain that people suffer from- all with many different reasons and possible treatments. One common treatment for the issue of back pain is surgery; however, depending on the cause of pain and injury, many people don’t opt for surgery and look for other therapeutic solutions instead.

Back surgeries can be really difficult for your body, and may even need a painful recovery. Decompression therapy for back, on the other hand, can be an easier and more convenient option to choose for.

But what exactly is decompression therapy and how does it work?
Spinal decompression therapy for the back is mainly a non-surgical process that can help you get relief from back pain issues by gently stretching the spine using motorized traction. This therapy changes the position of one’s spine and also eases the pressure on the spinal disks: gel-like cushions located between the bones in the spine.

Decompression therapy applies force and pressure on the spinal disks that can cause herniated and bulging disks to pull back, increasing the pressure on the nerves that are along the spine. As a result of all this, decompression therapy for back helps to enhance the flow of oxygen, water, and other nutrient fluids through the spinal disks, finally allowing them to heal.

What does this therapy help in?

Decompression therapy for back can be very helpful in reducing the pain that is caused by different back problems as well as in curing mobility and flexibility issues. Issues and spinal conditions that can be helped by decompression therapy mainly include:

-    Bulging and herniated spinal disks

-    General neck, back and shoulder pain

-    Diseased or injured spinal nerves

-    Degenerative spinal disk issues

-    Sciatica (a weakness or pain that goes down to the leg)

What can you expect in a decompression therapy session?

During decompression therapy for the back, patients are clothed and made to lie on a motorized table of which the lower half can move. A harness is then placed around the hips and further is attached to the lower table, near the patient’s feet. The upper side of the table remains in a fixed position; however, the lower part from which the patient has harnessed slides back and forth to give the relaxation and traction.

The best substitute for spinal surgery!

While back surgeries for pain and injury may be necessary and quite beneficial in some cases, many people have now realized that decompression therapy can provide a more effective and long term pain relief that too without the hassles of surgery. All these are reasons why decompression therapy has become one of the best and the most preferred treatments for back issues out of all.


There are different types of back pain that people suffer from- all with many different reasons and possible treatments. Check out one of the bes Read More


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