Here Dracula is show watching over Lucy while she is pretending to sleep. The use of lighting adds a certain value to the shot. This is the beginning of the story so what happens next is what sets everything in motion.
Lucy jumps up to try and escape Dracula. I like this shot for the sense of motion you get from the shadows and the positioning of each character. Lucy jumping up is the indicator for Van Helsing, Jonathan Harker and Dr. Seward to spring the trap to catch Dracula.
Lucy, cornered by Dracula before the other three men arrive to help her. The depth of field and the shadow on the wall is what's most appealing to me. Again this is the last moment before Dracula gets caught ... or does he?
Lucy, out of breath and terrified stays by the couch while the other three men search for Dracula as he disappeared into a bat and flew out the window. Again, the depth of field and the light is what is most interesting to me here.
Lucy prepares for bed as Van Helloing, Harker and Dr. Seward try to hunt down Dracula. I love the lighting in this shot and the forms of the bed and Lucy herself. Lucy doesn't know what is waiting for her behind the curtain though...
Just as Lucy gets ready for bed and her maid is on her way out, Dracula appears from behind the curtains. Depth of field and the shadows are what draw me in here. This is one of my favorite shots in this sequence. This is also a huge jump towards the climax of the play as Dracula is about to take Lucy away.
In Burts the attendant while the maid runs for cover and Lucy screams on top of her bed. Dracula ends up biting Lucy in this scene and taking her away to his tomb. I like the spacing of this shot and the depth here again. Definitely a sense of terror and urgency here, in my opinion.
Dracula has brought Lucy to his tomb and drained her of blood so he may rest and rejuvenate. However, Van Helsing, Harker and Dr. Seward are on their way. I like the lighting in this shot. I took some liberties with the story here but it's essentially the same.
Van Helsing, Harker and Dr. Seward arrive and grab Lucy before Dracula awakens. I like the depth and the shadows again here. This is almost the end of the story so this is the second to last shot.
Harker ends up taking a stake and thrusting it into Draculas heart, thus ending his 100-year-old reign of terror. Similar lighting and depth here that I clearly enjoy and I think this puts a nice bow on the end up Dracula's tale.


Toy theatre of "Dracula"

