For our three year anniversary (December 2018) I customized two travel wine glasses with one of my boyfriend's favorite sayings: Let's turn three years into thirty. I used a paint pen and mod podge. If I was to do this again I'd only cover the paint in mod podge, not the whole wine glass, but working with new materials is a learning process.
A shadow box collection of flowers my boyfriend's given me over the past 3.5 years. I painted an old shadow box I had, arranged the flowers, and used a paint pen to add a floral design based on images found online.
A shadow box collection of flowers my boyfriend's given me over the past 3.5 years. I painted an old shadow box I had, arranged the flowers, and used a paint pen to add a floral design based on images found online.
A shadow box collection of flowers my boyfriend's given me over the past 3.5 years. I painted an old shadow box I had, arranged the flowers, and used a paint pen to add a floral design based on images found online.


A couple miscellaneous crafts I've been working on. First, a customized wine glass set, second a shadow box full of flowers my boyfriend's given Read More
