Dawn, begin to see the horizon, hope, exit, open to the world. The storm has passed and now you're somebody new, renewed, full of vitality, that dazzle with your sun, your smile and the colors of your wings, now you can fly without anyone stopping you. Now may be cloudy, the sun is within you.
Amanecer, comenzar a ver el horizonte, la esperanza, la salida, abrirse al mundo. La tormenta ha pasado y hoy eres alguien nuevo, renovado, lleno de vitalidad, que deslumbras con tu sol, con tu sonrisa y con los colores de tus alas, ahora puedes volar sin que nadie te lo impida. Ahora puede estar nublado, el sol està dentro de tì. 


Part of the project “Diary of myself”. I paint myself using body painting and a mirror and take a picture using a tripod. I do not use photoshop, Read More


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