Profil von Jieli Wu

Luna Land Annual Report Identity- Typesetting/Print

Luna Land Amusement Park
- Annual Report Identity
- Luna Land Amusement Park was the first one to introduce steam-powered rollercoasters back in the late 1800s. Since then, Luna Land has grown to three major theme parks with an impressive attendance of 3.8 visitors every year. They also built a VR arcade recently to tailor to the younger generations. Inspired by Luna Land's growth and its resolution to always satisfy customers' needs, I decided to use the intersection of type and an evolving circle to represent Luna Land's core value. 
- Keywords: expanding, visionary, accommodating
- Typeface: Franklin Gothic, IBM Plex Sans
- Color: Pantone 420CP, Pantone 138CP
Luna Land Annual Report Identity- Typesetting/Print

Luna Land Annual Report Identity- Typesetting/Print

Editorial design for an annual report
