Y O U T H  C U L T U R E 

What defines now? Who are the youth of this generation? What makes them different? 

The intention of this photoshoot is to represent the youth of today as informed, inquisitive, bold, and darling. More specifically the youth that is intuitively aware of big brands, global media, and the establishment of post modern modes of representation. The individuals that are exploring authenticity as well as personal progress through their creative and multi faced personalities, tearing down social constructs and ideals. Living in a post truth world “the youth that have realized in order to make it as a generation, they're going to have to subvert traditional hierarchies and craft their own paths” (Protein Youth Report). I aim to show no boundaries, and the idea that self exploration is a complex and diverse journey. Today, every product, service, and interaction has become intensely branded to generate desire, aspiration, and fascination. Thus having a profound effect on the way in which youth are building their own personal brand or idea of self.

