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五独·黑瓷(WuDu Black Porcelain)


This is an alcoholic beverage from China. Made from five traditional Chinese herbal medicines, it can help expel extra humidity in human body.
In China, snake, scorpion, centipede, gecko, and toad are commonly called “five poisons”, and its Chinese pronunciation “Wudu” sounds exactly the same as the product name. During the Dragon Boat Festival, many places in the country have a custom called “Expel the five poisons to guarantee safety”. But the “five poisons” here also refer to those factors in this period that may cause physical diseases, such as humidity. When extra humidity in human body accumulates to a certain degree, some symptoms like rheumatism will occur. This product, nicely, has the pharmacological function to remove body humidity.
The totems of the five animals, which were recreated by us, are printed on the packing box and sculptured on the container. Originally, they look dark and horrible, but the new image and color design gives them a sense of dignity and mystery. The packing box resembles the drawer where traditional Chinese medicines are placed to emphasize the pharmacological function of the product. 

五独·黑瓷(WuDu Black Porcelain)

五独·黑瓷(WuDu Black Porcelain)

凌云创意原创作品,五毒黑瓷。Lingyun Creativity-WuDu black porcelain
