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These Methods Made My Reading More Productive

This year my resolution was to read better. So my focus was to improve reading habits like to remember what I read, put it to use, understanding the message author trying to convey,  and learn some new skills. 
So after trying many strategies, I found some which made my reading more productive and I think it might help you also.
Learn about the type of book you’re reading
Before attempting to read any book, understanding it's type is essential because it helps to plan out depending upon its difficulty level. Some books don't need such a plan as the story clicks immediately. But some books need to be read without being ignorant. Some books fall in between easy and difficult. In my case Room by was falling between easy and difficult so reading some initial chapters was pretty interesting but then I realized I was missing out on the concept. So I tried gathering main points by noting them down. And then the picture was clearer. 
Analyze what you want
Are you reading that book for pleasure? Are you reading to learn something new? Are you reading to gain a new perspective? Because if you don’t know what you want from that book you'll end up reading it and understanding least. This tip will give you a focus and goal and may help to understand your problem. This will also help you to decide the difficulty level of the book.
Point out significant statements
But, not every sentence is going to have a different idea. Marking those meaning statements will not only help you to concentrate but also reanalyze the statements you found important. First, I felt this method insignificant but as I started reanalyzing them, I gradually found them invaluable. 
Not slow but steady
Persistence is important when you're reading. Set a specific time to keep up this pace. Sometimes due to your schedule, you may not be able to give time for reading. But in any case, when you're reading any book, you should make sure that you have a better picture of it when you finish it. So that you can apply it in your daily life and will always be on the back of your mind as an experience.
In order to avoid your mind from wandering (maybe as you're going too fast) take a while periodically and try to see if you are able to retain what you read.
Blend the concepts
In a library or book store, books are divided into various categories like fiction, science, history, etc. But these topics always overlap and all this knowledge is interconnected. So I have started this practice by trying to connect the thoughts of the book I'm reading to the previous books’ ideas and thoughts. This trick of interconnection gives you a wider vision. Most importantly made me realize, there is no single way of looking at the world and this integration improved my entire belief system.
Indeed in between these complex connections, I found some beautiful chunks of knowledge.
Summarize the book
Next time you finish your book, challenge yourself to summarize the entire book in a paragraph. And paragraph must be your limit! This exercise helps you to retain all those important aspects of that book and not dwell around only or two of them. The questions like how would you describe the book to a friend? What are the main ideas? Which thought/concept you could most likely relate to from the book? Which ideas from the book you would like to apply in your daily life? will definitely help your summarization cover all points. 
Evaluate the methods you're experimenting
When I started with different methods to enhance my reading understanding, I learned it was essential to examine if I was understanding what I read. These methods helped me to read some difficult books.
Happy Reading!!
If you have any more tips or suggestions, or criticism, please comment.
These Methods Made My Reading More Productive


These Methods Made My Reading More Productive


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