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Tips For Having Healthy Gums

The first thing that comes to most people’s mind when they think about oral healthcare is their teeth. What most people seem to forget is that your gums are just as important as your teeth. Anyone can acquire gum disease, even if they have the most perfect, cavity-free teeth around. Some gum disease is reversible if handled early enough, but if not properly taken care of can become rather detrimental to your oral health. In order to help prevent that, here are a few ways you can keep your gums healthy.
Regular Dental Cleanings
One of the easiest ways to prevent gum disease is by seeing your dentist regularly. Your dentist should be able to recognize gum disease in the early stages, give you a proper cleaning, and set you up for success to make sure you can combat gum disease before it has a serious effect on your oral health. The professional cleaning you’d receive upon regular checkups is the only way to remove tartar, and can also get rid of any plaque you may have missed when brushing or flossing.
Floss Regularly
Speaking of flossing, make sure you do it. It can be easy to just brush your teeth and move on, but if you floss at least once a day every day, your gums and teeth will thank you. It doesn’t even matter when you floss your teeth, as long as you do it. It’s also important that you use proper tools designed for cleaning between the teeth, as some people will use odd household items.
Brush Every Day, Twice a Day
You’ve likely heard this many times in your life, but it’s important that you brush twice a day, daily. It’s even better if you brush after every meal. By doing this, you’ll be removing any food and plaque that may be trapped between your teeth and gums. Your tongue can also have bacteria, so make sure you scrub that as well. An electric toothbrush is recommended as they can help with gingivitis and plaque more than a standard toothbrush. It’s also important to get a new toothbrush or toothbrush head every 3 to 4 months.
Use The Right Products
One last thing that can help keep your gums healthy is using proper oral healthcare products. When it comes to toothpaste, there is a myriad of different options which all claim to do things such as whitening teeth or freshening your breath. It might be hard to pick the best one, so look for one that contains fluoride and as the ADA seal of acceptance. As for mouthwash, you should try to get therapeutic mouthwash. This type of mouthwash can help reduce plaque, reduce the speed that tarter develops, and can reduce or prevent gingivitis. Look out for that ADA seal, and you should be golden.
Having healthy gums is equally as important as having healthy teeth. You can brush your teeth all of the time but if proper care isn’t given to the gums, then gum disease is inevitable. If you have questions or aren’t sure of something, try talking to your dentist and see if they can assist. By following these tips and others, you’ll be on the road to a healthy mouth before you know it.
Tips For Having Healthy Gums

Tips For Having Healthy Gums

Dr. Jody Cremer discusses some ways to keep your gums healthy.


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