XISLAB | 喜市 · 視覺


XIS LAB | 喜市 餐廳
Branding Design 2019 | 品牌形象設計 2019
Dung Koon | 東莞,富民中路明上居

XIS LAB 喜市,位於廣東東莞市內,構思過程中決定在視覺系統上貼切地結合粵拼「DUNGKOON」考慮,客戶在取名建議中提出中文取漢字「喜」,最終為帶出品牌整體概念取名為「喜市」,英文「XIS」,中文以及英文都做到同音令顧客在名字上便能夠很好的辨認;而品牌最終會以一所集中餐、西餐、烘焙、茶飲、策劃活動於一體的複合型餐廳,位於鬧市,卻擁有數千呎戶外空間,恰好是『門外綠陰千頃』一詩的現實版;品牌以『one more... 』為概念,意圖建立飲食的群體性和營造新社區環境;根據品牌特性我們選用Pantone色系下的 「Forest Biome 」為主色調,視覺體系從概念到字形、延伸圖形、物料搭配做到一脈相承;開放的公共空間,細緻的視覺無疑為顧客體驗加分不少。

Located in Dongguan, Guangdong, XIS LAB (喜市) seamlessly integrates the Cantonese romanization "DUNGKOON" into its branding, reflecting thoughtful consideration during the naming process. The Chinese character "喜" (Xi) was chosen to resonate with the brand concept, paired with the English abbreviation "XIS," ensuring phonetic recognition across languages. This branding culminates in a multifaceted restaurant that blends Eastern and Western cuisines, baking, tea, and event planning within a bustling urban setting yet offers extensive outdoor green spaces, embodying the poetic essence of "expansive outdoor greens."

The brand adopts "one more..." as its concept, aiming to foster a sense of community and cultivate a novel social environment. The primary color "Forest Biome" from the Pantone palette underscores the brand's nature-inspired ethos, with a cohesive visual identity that extends from typography to graphic elements and material selection. The open public spaces and meticulous visual design significantly enhance the customer experience, establishing XIS LAB as a dynamic community hub.

XISLAB | 喜市 · 視覺

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XISLAB | 喜市 · 視覺

XIS LAB | 喜市 餐廳 Branding Design 2019 | 品牌形象設計 2019 Location: DUNG KOON 址:廣東,東莞,富民中路明上居 XIS LAB 喜市,位於廣東東莞市內,構思過程中決定在視覺系統上貼切地結合粵拼「DUNGKOON」考慮,客戶在取 Развернуть
