Nadine van Driel's profile

Amasa Branding Concepts

Amasa Logo Concepts 
“Our primary focus is to drive the development of smart young people in our industry.” 
AMASA Johannesburg Chairperson, Wayne Bischoff
AMASA stands for the Advertising Media Association of South Africa. They focus on grooming young creatives and bringing like-minded people together through networking events, forums and online conversations. They also facilitate the annual AMASA awards with various categories in the advertising and media industry.  
I was tasked with conceptualising and redesigning a new brand identity - one that spoke of exclusivity, pride and growth, while still being grounded within an African culture. The logo needed to incorporate a symbol that could eventually be transformed into an award or stamp of approval within the AMASA awards.  
Logo Concept 1
The first concept is sophisticated but modern and simplistic.  It incorporates the ribbon shapes of a medal as well as the sharp angles of a trophy. It is also reminiscent of the fluid shapes of protea leaves and traditional African symbols.
These hidden icons together with the negative space help reinforce the idea of exclusivity, African pride and growth. 

Logo Concept 2
This logo incorporates the line work of a crown, a pencil and a protea to create a unique symbol. It communicates the idea of creative growth and recognition as well as the letter ‘A’. It is detailed but still bold, modern and sophisticated.
Logo Concept 3
The symbol incorporates two hands holding and the shape of a protea, but is also reminiscent of a crown icon. It communicates a partnership that represents growth and support.
Amasa Branding Concepts

Amasa Branding Concepts

Branding Design
