Perfil de Debopam Das

Sony Walkman D - NF 340

Sony Walkman D - NF 340
Made this for Renderweekly challenge for S2W10. The prompt was to make a 90's personal music player ( could be a cassette player / CD player / MP3 player ) I wanted to improve my hard surface modeling skills on Blender, so I took up this exercise to get some practice. This is the Sony Walkman D - NF 340 . Had to break my head tweaking the materials to get the look right and took quite a bit longer than expected, but it was worth it. Learnt a lot from this project.
Final Render
AO Render
Sony Walkman D - NF 340

Sony Walkman D - NF 340

Made this for Renderweekly challenge for S2W10. The prompt was to make a 90's personal music player ( could be a cassette player / CD player / MP Leer más
