My name is Andrew Seginovich, 48 y.o., designer, maker and creator of Koan Jewelry. For the last 30 years I've used to work as an artist, designer and creative director. 
The studio was found in 2005, and since that time I've been seeking the most interesting and intriquing designs to inspire people. I like to play with ideas and my work is deeply influenced by eastern philosophy.
The main technique I work in is mokume gane - wooden texture in metal. Mokume-gane  is a Japanese metalworking procedure which produces a mixed-metal laminate with distinctive layered patterns. 
Every piece has a unique layering pattern produced by labor-intensive forging of multiple layers of different metals, followed by repeated heating and re-forging. All pieces are 100% handmade, created with love and passion.
The name Koan appeared after multiple questions of my customers who wanted to find out the meaning of the pieces design. Every time I answered that you have to find your meaning by youself to make the piece really yours. Just meditate on it. Then I decided to find a word, a japanese word (because of the technique origin) to reflect this search for the meaning. So it became Koan - a short story, a question, the meaning of which is not evident from the first glimpse, but should be found out through meditation. 
Koan Mokume gane Jewelry

Koan Mokume gane Jewelry
