Profil appartenant à Aarohi Bansal

Crumples and Creases

How much of what we see, do we comprehend?

Social Anxiety Disorder is living in this constant dread of being judged and scrutinized by others. It is being hyper-aware of yourself, your actions, your behaviour in relation to others perception of it. The person starts to become more reserved. They start living under the weight of the labels other people have put on them. Not being able to say what you want makes that person feel trapped inside their own mind. They want to change how people see them but are afraid to do so.  

‘Crumples and Creases’ is a short film on these unspoken thoughts trapped inside the mind because of its fear of being perceived wrongly. Fear of making the wrong impression if spoken. The film aims to express this fear so that the next time, they can be understood and not resented.

Understanding and having empathy for someone with Social Anxiety can greatly help in easing their journey with anxiety. They put enough pressure on themselves, without everyone around them putting more.

This film is done as part of my thesis project at ISDI Parsons, Mumbai.
The soundtrack is created using either open licensed track or recorded by me.

Hand drawn sketches put together to get an idea of the visuals of the film and the timing

Some shots from the film.
Crumples and Creases
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Crumples and Creases

How would you react if you would feel that all eyes are on you? A film on Social Anxiety Disorder.

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