Joonho Shin's profile

We feel emotional 'VIBE'

' The proper communication '

우리는 감정을 느끼며 산다. 직장만큼 밀도 높게 많은 사람이 모인 곳은 없다.일을 하고 돈을 벌기 위해 모인 조직이지만 감정
을 배제할 수는 없는 노릇이다. 하지만 직장 내에서 직접적인 감정표현은 인간관계에서 갈등을 초래할 수도 있다. 그렇다고
개인이 감정표현을 참으며 힘들어 할 필요는 없다. 이는 개인의 역량을 떨어트리는 건 물론 회사도 발전할 수 없다.

회사는 제도가 늘 주변 환경 수준에 맞도록 수준을 맞춰야 하고, 개인은 회사가 도입한 제도를 감정표출의 기준으로 삼아야 한다.

바이브는 직장 내 팀에서 올바른 커뮤니케이션을 위한 제품이다. 개인은 제품에 익명으로 감정을 색과 채도로 표현함으로서 감정
을 해소하고, 표현한 감정들이 모여 제품에 그라데이션으로 시각화된다. 팀원들은 눈에 보이지 않던 팀의 분위기를 시각적으로
파악할 수 있으며, 이는 공동의 목표를 이루는데 많은 도움이 될 것이다.

We live with emotions. There is no other place where many people are gathered in high density such as work.It is an organization
gathered to work and earn money, but emotions cannot be put aside. However, direct expression of emotions at work may cause
strife. But, it does not mean that individuals must suffer by withholding their emotions. This not only decreases the abilities of
individuals, but also hinders the company from advancing.

The company must make the standards fit the environment. The individual must use the standards of the company as the standards
for expressing emotions

Vibe is a product for correct communication among the team members at work. Individuals resolve their emotions by expressing their
emotions anonymously with color and chroma on the product, And the emotions become visible in the form of gradation as they gather
Team members can visually comprehend the atmosphere of the team, And this will help achieve the common goal.
Emotional Input
Operation along the touch sensor located on the side of the display.
First, select the color to represent the type of emotion and then
adjust the chroma according to the depth of the emotion.
VIBE My self / Team
VIBE is the most basic function which can visualize mood of past
by stored atmosphere of the team, and the one's own feeling.

Vibe Messenger
You can suggest simple actions to your team members and check
reactions or respond to the suggestion.

ex) have want a coffeetime?  >  Absolutely (O) / Sorry (X) 
Delay Mode
Delay mode can prevent people from suspecting you when they pay
attention to you touching the device to express your emotions. After
expressing your expression, the emotion is displayed on the devices
of other team members after the time you set has passed.
We feel emotional 'VIBE'

We feel emotional 'VIBE'

'VIBE' The proper communication service product
