Perfil de Jay Neighbours

Interfinancial Survey Data Tool

Creating an interactive tool for customers to access new and existing survey results.
Our client delivered a static detailed survey data report to their customers yearly. We were tasked with building an interactive tool for this report empowering customers to get more precise and useful data.

Discovery Phase
Our partner had vast research and knowledge into our user base which served as the foundation in our discovery phase. I led multiple workshops to define goals, target metrics, user groups, and user maps.

From these collaborative workshops I created personas, user stories, and a simplified journey map.

Mockups and Testing
Due to an accelerated timeline we went straight to low-fidelity layouts to begin testing. Iterations were quickly wrapped into the evolution to high-fidelity layouts. Most iterations were focused around filtering and refining the results shown on screen. 

One notable failure was an attempt to keep the date date selection at the top of the screen assuming users would be familiar with this pattern. Approximately 80% of users missed this filter at first or missed it completely. Based on this feedback and requests the date range was relocated directly above the other filters on the left.

The research, artifacts, testing results, and clickable prototype were handed off to the development resource.

Interfinancial Survey Data Tool
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Interfinancial Survey Data Tool

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