 P e r f u m e d     o i l

"MyAir" is a new format for modern perfume. It is very convenient to take disposable perfume oil gel capsules with you on trips, or to share this unique experience with your friends.

The project is an attempt to redefine the rich history of perfumery. Today, perfume is not just a luxury, but also a way of self-identification. However, I wanted to show this connection to the past.

The crossed triangle symbolizes the element "AIR" in alchemy. Sign is present in the logo, and it has been also transformed into construction of pyramid with capsules. It makes the idea of perfume, as a personal air, completely expressed in every detail of project. 

It is not just another product, but also the new model of consumption. Gel disposable capsules fit dynamic active people for whom mobility is a way of life.

Each fragrance is a simple, synthesized in the laboratory. The names of the lines "Movement", "Touch", "Glance", "Embrace" are airy and abstract, like the smells themselves. They are unlike anything you smelled before and resemble a lot of important things which have no physical presence.  


