I am inspired by colors in nature. Real life peacock has different shades of cool colors with the one shade of orange color. I wanted to give this design Indian traditional art look. I added patterns to make it feeling of textile. Peacock is generally found in forest. To give feel of nature, I added elements such as leaves and flowers.
I took reference of peacock image. I extracted colors from that and made palette which I used for the project.
This is design for peacock feather. It has contrast of colors. I gave texture effect in Illustrator to give feathery look.
Elements of the designs are created seperately in other illustrator files. Once done, I copy pasted the same in main design file.
This is starting point of the design. I created basic shapes of peacock in Illustrator.
Peacock art


Peacock art

It is personal art project created to work with colors and patterns. I wanted to give it look of Indian traditional art. I used the colors from t Read More
