Digital Artwork
2005 - 2012
The world around us is constantly changing. Whether it is that new gadget that we just bought, which is now obsolete, or it is how age can influence our life; change is happening the clock is moving forward.

The western culture has been described as a constantly moving society. This can be attributed to the impact of the media as it informs, updates or addresses the people instantly; there is movement, change is everywhere. Through films, television and the Internet one can see the underlying stories that reflect the culture that embodies our society. Everything in our society feeds into the story that ultimately defines us as a unique culture.
Movement, time, and process have always fascinated me, and the idea of societal or individual evolution has influenced my work greatly. In my artwork I strive to explore the concept of change through printed images, animations and interactive experiences that convey this idea. Digital media provides a unique level of accessibility to the public at large this being a rather revolutionary means of art that is part of the constantly changing force we are exposed to every day.

More of my work may be viewed on my website:

(Above Left) Visions of Tomorrow ©2008. (Above Right ) Between Nature and Society ©2011
Societal Guise - ©2010
Pisces - ©2008
The Neocon's Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - ©2008
Emotional Disfiguration - ©2008
Shadows of a Memory - ©2007
Duality of the Spirit - ©2007
Trihedron - ©2005
Artwork: 2005-2012

Artwork: 2005-2012

This is a compilation of some of my digital artwork from 2005 to 2011.
