Cim Tägtgren's profileAntonella Basagni's profile

Experimental Jetset life Magazine issue 1

ISSUE 1 - 
Stockholm is luxury you 

Experimental Jetset Life isn't for all. 
Ok, here we go! this is the first issue of many, we hope. 
We started this magazine for us and for you, of course. 
So, is this a magazine for you? well, do you like taking risks? Are you good at lying? 
Do you want to take over the world with your friends? 
If the answer is yes, this is a magazine for you.
We think that spending so much time outside gives you a sense of ownership. 
This city belongs to me, you and everyone else. 
We don’t think we´ll never get tired of staying out late, risky decisions, new ideas, 
and dangerous behavior. You can’t control the future and you 
definitely can’t control death. So, just enjoy the ride.

Number of pages: 32
Copywriting: Antonella Basagni
Graphic Design: Cim Tägtgren
Photography: Antonella Basagni and Cim Tägtgren

Instagram: @experimentaljetsetlife

Experimental Jetset life Magazine issue 1