Hugo Deal's profile

Stak Magazine Issue N°01

Stak is a design publication and platform dedicated to exploring the diverse range 
of disciplines to which the principles of design may apply.

Inspired by a recipe of, appreciation for excellent design, the need to never 
let print die, and the romantic idea of accumulating a great stack of magazines
—the publication name and masthead design echoe this. The traditional 
aesthetic of the typeface references the roots of print media. Whilst the missing 
lower quarter of the word encapsulates the bottomless nature of a stack of magazines. 

Issue N°01 firstly examines the basic principles of Typographic style with Robtert Bringhurst. The feature then delves into the life and work of the infamous
Typographic designer Paula Scher—using her practice as a portal to explore the 
divergent sensibilities of order and expression within the world of Typography.

Stak Magazine Issue N°01

Stak Magazine Issue N°01
