Brand and main header + aesthetic image for the game. Background reflects the Cerrado - a vegetation exclusive to the central-west area of Brazil.
UnB Nightmare is a 2D side-scroll runner originally developed for a class integrating students from all 3 areas of Game Design: Music, Programming and Art.
You can find the full source code on my Github here:
Gameplay Video
The game takes place at the heart of one of Brazil’s largest university Campi, the Darcy Ribeiro campus of the University of Brasilia, in a building notorious for its layout: 1km of long, symmetrical corridors.
Photo references of the campus used in the design of the game mechanics
The player's main goal is to reach the end of the map (indicated on the HUD on top) before time runs out, without falling too far behind.
Game mechanics (concept) - How the camera positions itself in relation to the player and scenery
Game mechanics (concept) - How the player moves through obstacles
As the teammate with the original pitch for the game and as lead programmer, I wanted the game to have three fundamental aspects:
- simple mechanics -
- easy to play/for everyone -
- to be colorful and funny -
The game itself pokes fun at the many mishaps of students on their way to class: people standing in the middle of the way for no good reason, zombie-like students slowly wandering in the halls, pigeons who seem to have taken the day off to target you specifically, large protests occupying the entire hallway and much more.
Main character running cycle spritesheet
While still constantly in development, the game has tested positive with its target audience, being nominated second best game by popular vote.
 - Mariana Queiroz
 - Caio Oliveira
 - Joao Vitor (GVT) Tavares
 - T. Mashiro

 - Cecilia Vieira
 - Daniel Bife
 - T. Mashiro
 - Mariana Queiroz

 - Kamái
- Leticia
Unb Nightmare

Unb Nightmare

UnB Nightmare is a 2D sidescrolling runner, situated at the heart of one of Brazil's largest universities. the game was developed by students for Read More
