MOCA Tucson
ROLE:  Animator, Producer
I'm a bit of an aesthete, especially when it comes to modern art, so I was thrilled when I got the opportunity to work with Moca Tucson on their Carnaval d’Avant-Garde. The museum wanted a visual installation to fill the wall behind the band during the event. We knew the event would be Carnaval-themed and that there would be live performers. I had the idea to film the performers prior to the event and use the footage to add another layer to their act. We scheduled a time and a coworker and myself set up a makeshift green screen to film against. Once I had the footage I used keylight to remove the screen and built a layered After Effects file to create a kaleidoscope effect. I also used the echo effect to help break up the repetition and create interesting movements. I knew the installation was going to be projected and I needed to maintain clear space around the band but didn't want it to be static. To accomplish this I made a morphing shape where things could appear and disappear behind. The event was a huge success partially due to several short loops I made to promote it on social media. The turnout was larger than expected and très chic. Fun was had by all.
Event Recap courtesy of MOCA Tucson
MOCA Tucson


MOCA Tucson
