Catálogo Tipográfico

Typographic Catalog — Editorial Design
Typographic Catalog is a book collection intended for everyone interested in typography 
and printing, focusing on designers.
Here we study how each typography reacts on different types of paper: coated, 
uncoated and recycled papers. The ink behaves differently depending on the support 
you are in and these differences can become crucial in any decision to be made.
This project was made using the following fonts:

Garamond (1530)
Claude Garamond

Baskerville (1750)
John Baskerville

Bodoni (1788)
Giambattista Bodoni

Gill Sans (1926)
Eric Gill

Futura (1927)
Paul Renner

Helvetica (1957)
Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann
Catálogo Tipográfico

Catálogo Tipográfico

Este projeto consiste num catálogo que exemplifica a forma como diferentes tipografias se comportam em diversos tipos de papel, desde não-revesti Read More
