This calendar was created for Transneft company in the year of its 25th anniversary. The diversity of activities and wide geographical coverage are reflected in the diversity of birds that live in Russia, which became the theme of the calendar.

The calendar contains interesting facts about each bird, but the main element of each page is a stereo image, which creates the feeling that the birds come to life before your eyes.

Expand the limits of perception the sounds of real birdsong, which reproduces a special music module in the form of a birdhouse.

An additional game bonus – movable magnetic figures of birds, which allows you to get not only aesthetic pleasure but also pleasant tactile sensations.
Packaging, cover and title page of the calendar
Image of a bird with a stereo effect
The image has depth and shimmers when you change the angle of view
In each new month, the magnetic bird in the round hole is replaced
Low-poly illustrations
The Waxwing, Starling, Atlantic puffin, Spoonbill, Monarch flycatcher, Kingfisher, Bee-eater, Mandarin duck, Bluethroat, Redstart, Tufted puffin, Blue tit
Desktop edition of calendar
12 Birds Species

12 Birds Species
