Профиль Derek Perez

Buckhead Brewery: Package Design Concept

Buckhead Brewery
Beer Label & Packaging Concept
From the concept and logo development all the way down to the copyright, I made sure Buckhead Brewery would be a kind of beer that "beer lovers" such as myself could appreciate. I decided to do a twist on the usual upscale look that is associated with the Buckhead area in Atlanta, and made it have a more gritty look. I imagined this brewery to be a small brewery of close-knit employees with senses of humor. The copyright was meant to reflect that feeling with descriptions like, "... an intoxious nectar that will quench your palatte and provoke your nightlife."
Buckhead Brewery: Package Design Concept

Buckhead Brewery: Package Design Concept

Undergraduate assignment requiring the creation of a consumable product and the design of the packaging for that product.
