Francke Gretchen Crots 님의 프로필

ISTD: Lost Typography's Majescule Menagerie

The concept for this project focusses on lost typography and hand printing methods & processes from the 1800's, and how these typefaces, with their over dramatic embellishments and ornamentation became the "freaks" of typography in a modern era. Accompanied with these themes, are the lost history of designers that created these lost fonts and typefaces during the Victorian era, as well as the lost enterprise of displaying anomalies and abnormalities for entertainment purposes in the 1800's.
"FREAKS" Bannerline
Accompanying the posters, is a catalogue with information regarding the type designers (referred to as type ringmasters) and the time in which the display font thrived.
Catalogue close-up, revealing ornate detail
Content of catalogue
ISTD: Lost Typography's Majescule Menagerie