Around the time the world was supposed to end, I decided to venture into real-world experience design.  Can I create an experience that lingers in people's memories? Something people talk about ten years from now? I don't know, but that would be super cool. I want to try.  

My first project is BYOBeard, a facial-hair themed art show / craft fair / costume party.  I chose the beard theme because it's easy: anyone can beard.
BYOBeard is an exercise in unapologetic dorkiness. For one night, Pump Project will be full of bearded people admiring bearded artwork, browsing through bearded trinkets and curios, and sipping from beers bearded in beard-cozies. Sure, beards are an Austin cliche, but why let that stop us? If you live in Austin, you own that cliche! Let’s congratulate ourselves with a big ol’ party! :{)
Here I've illustrated my vision:
Call-for-entries flyer
6pm - midnight • June 22, 2013 • Pump Project Art Complex in Austin, TX
I created this flyer based on branding Averill Gusman developed for me.
Averill's hexagonal logo has gotten a lot of positive feedback. I put together using a Wordpress template (Pinboard) which I modified.  
Geoff Sebesta and Gewel Kafka of Rocksalt Magazine are writing blog articles in exchange for sponsorship.
Jury & Supporters
I’m really pleased with BYOBeard’s jury of industry professionals: Yehudi Mercado (Supermercado Films, Josh Chalmers (Bearded Lady Screen Printing), W. A. Brenner (Austin Chronicle), and Casey Janowski (Craft Riot).
More to come as the show day approaches.
Promotional Videos
Two promotional videos were created in the advent of BYOBeard: Leah Lovise and Eve Tarlo, two film industry professionals, independently volunteered their contributions.  How lucky for me!
Trailer by Leah Lovise, Motion Graphics Artist: 
Making-of documentary by Eve Tarlo, Juan Izaguirre, and other KLRU Collective team members:
Event Program
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BYOBeard is a facial hair themed art show + craft fair in Austin, TX on June 22, 2013

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