Kilburn Design 님의 프로필

Packagedesign Chocolate, San Diego Zoo

The goal of this project was to create a product series for the San Diego Zoo. For this purpose I created 3 chocolate bars; each bar is supporting an endangered animal from the San Diego Zoo, (Pandas for white chocolate, Bears for milk
chocolate and Gorillas for dark chocolate). With every sold chocolate bar, 1$ will be donated to the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Conservancy to help save endangered species.

I chose three endangered animals from the San Diego Zoo which would match the color of a chocolate bar in their fur tone. The animals are vector illustrations, a part of the illustration (fur part) will be cut out so that the chocolate inside the box (covered through a see-through foil) will be visible to be a part of the animals illustration. For the type I used “Noteworthy” and “Watercolor”. Each chocolate bar has an own individual text fitting to the animal. The product is designed to work as a gift with a sweet message for the receiver. The Panda is for someone that is sweet, the bear for someone that is cuddly and the gorilla for a smart person.

On the back is an explanation of where the donation of this chocolate bar is going to and some fun facts about the animal on the package. The chocolate is of course organic to help save the planet as a part of the whole product concept.

Illustrator: Die-cut, Animal Illustrations
InDesign: Typography, Layout, Composition
Packagedesign Chocolate, San Diego Zoo

Packagedesign Chocolate, San Diego Zoo
