Profil von Laurence Grigorov

Sea Rescue South Africa

A business leader with more than two decades of experience, Laurence Grigorov works as the director of Laurence Martin Developments, a residential property development and construction company based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Away from his work managing luxury properties in Johannesburg, Laurence Grigorov supports environmental groups such as the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI).

Sea Rescue South Africa, an arm of the NSRI, is a nonprofit community service comprising rescue bases along the South African coast and on several inland dams. In addition to emergency rescue operations, Sea Rescue South Africa seeks to minimize injury and loss of life through education and other preventative measures. 

To prepare volunteers for rescue work, Sea Rescue manages a lifeguard training program and an in-house training academy. Lifeguard training is open to both certified lifeguards and individuals with no experience as a lifeguard.
Sea Rescue South Africa

Sea Rescue South Africa
