Perfil de Rana Ozdeslik, PhD

Scientific Journal -- Cover Art #2

This is a cover image I created for a research article of mine (Ozdeslik R.N. et al., 2019, PNAS).
Pictured is a rendering of Opsin 3 (red), bound to a retinal (green), on the plasma membrane of a melanocyte with internal melanosomes (brown). Ozdeslik et al. studied the localization and function of Opsin 3 and its role as an extra-ocular opsin in human skin. The authors found that Opsin 3 inhibits melanin production by modulating the activity of a key pigmentation receptor. The findings may provide a therapeutic target for skin pigmentation disorders. The 3D model of Opsin 3 is based on the prediction of PsiPred. Image courtesy of Rana N. Ozdeslik.
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Scientific Journal -- Cover Art #2

Scientific Journal -- Cover Art #2
