Audi RSQ Practice Model
CAD: Autodesk Alias Automotive
Rendering: 3DsMax

Created a model with G2-continuous surfaces and evaluated surfaces by using zebra striping reflections. Developed a deeper understanding of how surfaces intersect with each other three dimensionally and how highlights react on different surfaces.

Canon IXY55 Practice Model
Rendering: CINEMA 4D

I chose the Canon IXY55 because of the challenge it presented with the many different parts and materials that must combine to make a cohesive design.

HAITEC Professional Training
Project: Volkswagen Golf
Rendering: Patchwork3D

In learning CATIA from zero to the level required, I built an entire vehicle in just 1.5 months.  My speed and quality of the model was beyond the design manager’s expectations for an entry-level surface designer.

HAITEC EV Charging Stations
Project: Public & Home version
Designer: Jia-Sheng Wong
Rendering: Patchwork3D

An opportunity rarely given to entry-level surface designers, I was given full responsibility of working closely with the designer of the EV Charging Station Project, creating the models for two types of stations.  We found a balance between manufacturing feasibility and beauty.
3D Models

3D Models

3D Models Showcase.
